
Our School Facebook page keeps families up to date with events happening at school, updates from the Department for Education, SA Health, Kidsline and can be a useful tool to make connections with the school community. Find us at @MawsonLakesSchool



Audiri (previously known as Skoolbag)
Audiri is a mobile App. It is an effective way for both schools and parents to communicate.

It works through both smart phones and smart devices (such as iPads and Android Tablets).

It is the primary method of communication that the school uses to communicate directly to parents/caregivers. You will receive important updates from the Principal, class/school newsletters and notifications of upcoming school events.

Parents/caregivers can also communicate via the skoolbag app to report their child's absences, change of details - phone, address or email via the e-form. 



Audiri Parent Instructions